At Eggs & Soldiers we not only stock a wide range of naturally foccsed products for parent, baby and child, we also host a wide range of classes and events in our Community Rooms. From parenting and self care, to messy play and baby massage, product knowledge and learning new skills. There is something for eveyone.
Cloth Diapers Uncovered
Car Seat Safety
Safer Sleep
Bright Minds institute
Katie Jane Music
Baby Sensory
Baby Massage
Mighty Multiples
Cloth Diapers Uncovered
Join Eggs & Soldiers’ Sofi Chabowski as she takes you through the huge benefits of reusable versus disposable diapers, dispelling the myths and teaching you the types, tricks and tips to confidently go cloth!
Car Seat Safety: Need-to-Knows
Eggs & Soldiers’ Sofi Chabowski gets to grips with every stage of baby and child car seats. Learn the dos, don’ts and essential safety aspects to carry your most precious cargo.
Safe Sleep: The First Years
From SIDS prevention to swaddles, mattresses and sleep-enducing nightlights, Eggs & Soldiers’ Sofi Chabowski shares her expert advice to lull your family into safe, soothing slumber.
Bright Minds Institute (Dubai)
The Bright Minds Institute is an enrichment program for children aged between 6 months old - 5 years old. The specialize in Whole Brain Training which is a unique form of accelerated learning. Bright Minds Institute strive to set their students up for educational success very early on in their lives, helping them grow into creative, thoughtful and intelligent citizens of our world.
Bright Minds Institute manage their own bookings. Please register your interest below or visit their website www.thebrightmindsinstitute.com for more information
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Katie Jane Dubai (Dubai)
Katy Jane Dubai offer a variety of bespoke classes designed to inspire you to get creative. From baby sign language and messy play to busy bees and music.
Katie Jane Dubai manage their own bookings. Please register your interest below or visit their website www.katiejanedubai.com for more information
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Boom Baby Sensory (Abu Dhabi)
Boom Baby Sensory ignite babies 5 senses through different activities through the class. Each adult is with their baby and the class leader will guide the parents through each activity with their baby. They also aid babies social and emotional skills by letting the babies interact with each other through their group activities and free play at the end.
Boom Baby manage their own bookings. Please register your interest below or visit their website www.boomboombaby.ae for more information
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. Love Parenting Baby Massage (Dubai)
Love Parenting offer 5-week baby massage classes for mothers and babies from birth to age one. Our Baby Massage classes are run by Amy who is a Certified Infant Massage Instructor with The International Association of Infant Massage. These relaxed sessions include time each week for informal discussion between participants and group discussion on topics such as sleeping, crying, TummyTime tips, adjusting to motherhood, colic, bonding, child development, baby wearing and much more. Amy expertly combines all her skills and qualifications to make this a unique course which many participants have described as being so much more than a massage class!
Love Parenting manage their own bookings. Please register your interest below or visit their website www.loveparentinguae.com for more information
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. Mighty Multiples Antenatal Classes
Mighty Multiples is a one-of-a-kind birth and parenting preparation course for families expecting twins, triplets or more. Taught by published author and recognised specialist in the mental and emotional considerations of multiple pregnancy and parenthood, Lala Langtry White, Mighty Multiples is designed to support and guide you through every step of the unique challenges and joys of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood with multiples.
Lala manages her own bookings. Please register your interest below or visit their website www.lalalangtrywhite.com for more information
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